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Leading a Group

     Our u3a IS our groups and wouldn't exist without them - please consider starting one!

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A new group is formed simply by a member deciding that they have an interest that's probably shared by some other members. The group is easily formed by filling in this page which ensures the groups is visible on this web site, the groups news and the newsletters and can be advertised to attract new members.


Group leaders are supported by the committee particularly at the start in terms of how to run a group and financial help to get the groups going dependent on the type of group


The general guidance on running a group is contained in our guidebook.


You may come across the word 'convenor' this is nothing to do with unions, it's a name imposed by central u3a but you can use 'group leader' if you like.


If you've any questions about starting a group please contact Andy Coe or the Chair Lindsay Hickey on the committee

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