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Join u3a Norwich
Jewelry for Beginners
Group Leader
Bev Southgate
07507 443072

This is a craft group, mostly making beaded jewellery and trinkets such as Christmas decorations. We make something new every month and each project is chosen to be for those with little or no previous experience. The group also caters for those wishing to stretch their creativity a little further by having intermediate project options. We try our hand at most things including bead-weaving, macrame, wire work, bead embroidery and Kumihimo.
We meet every 4 weeks at the Diamond Centre in Sprowston. The room has good lighting and appropriate facilities including accessible toilets and kitchen area. We share the cost of the room amongst group members and on average is £3 per month.
In between the sessions at the Diamond centre, we also have an optional Zoom session. This is primarily to help anyone who has questions about a project they may be finishing off at home and there is always some good chatting to be had as well.

I order and supply materials for each project and keep costs down by ordering in bulk. Projects cost anything from £2 to £15 for starter projects but are usually about £3-£5.
We are a very friendly group who chat and help each other whilst making wonderful things. Please get in contact and we can arrange for you to meet everyone and make your first piece.
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