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Join u3a Norwich
Family History Starter
Group Leader
Bev Southgate
07507 443072
This group is for those who wish to research their family history and would like some help to get started. We start in September and work through the year, learning different things as we go.
The group sessions will cover how to:
Research online (which websites to use and how to use them)
Research in person (using libraries, records offices, monuments etc.)
Record information and create a family tree
Get information for free (find what you need without paying big subscriptions)
Prove family stories (or disprove them!)
Use DNA testing to help your research
Be a detective!!!
The group will share their experiences and we will look at how to plan what to do next as well as looking at some tricky research blocks and how to overcome them.
We may find some ‘skeletons in cupboards’ and will have fun trying to unlock the wealth of information available to help you discover how your ancestors lived.
We meet on a Wednesday morning at the Diamond Centre in Sprowston from 10:00 – 12:00 every fortnight. We share the small cost of the room between group members.
Having a laptop or mobile device is helpful but not essential as you will learn how to research without them.
Please join us on the adventure of several lifetimes!

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